Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monetary (Modern) Slavery

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The world is controlled by a consortium of institutions (political, social class, occupation specialties, religious, financial, and economic). But, the monetary institutions (system) are the most powerful. Those who make the gold, make the rules. Few people stop to consider, how money is created, the policies by which it is governed, or its effects on society. 
The life blood of all institutions is money. Understanding money is critical to understanding why our lives are this way.  The global monetary system is a socially paralyzing and repressive apparatus that’s exploitative in nature. How else can you explain the growing income disparity in the U.S.?
 The top 1% owns about 40% of the wealth in the U.S. The top 20% of the population owns the vast majority of wealth while the middle class and the poor are left with nearly nothing.
Specifically, the upper echelon class is growing while the middle class is shrinking. And, the poor are receiving less aid in the daily struggle will hunger, poverty and illness. The income inequality in American has grown obscene and even criminal.
Still, most Americans cling to the notion that they are better off than those in “developing nations”.  That life in the devil’s paradise is still paradise. They would argue that our wealth has afforded us a way of life parallel to none.  And, on the surface, their view appears accurate.
However, “None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely belief that they are free.” Keep this in mind as you continue reading. So, if money is freedom consider how it (money and thus freedom) is created.
Creation of Money
Less say that the government decides that it needs 10 billion dollars.
  1. The Department of the Treasury notifies the Federal Reserved that it needs 10 billion dollars, and they prints the equivalent amount in treasury bonds. The action on the part of the treasury prompts the Fed to prints 10 billion in Federal Reserve notes (cash). The truth is, money is created electronically, but for the sake of this simple model we’ll use cash. Only 3% of America’s wealth is in the form of currency. 97% of the wealth is in computers.
The bonds (promissory notes) are then swopped for the Federal Reserve notes (cash). The money is then deposited in a commercial bank, adding 10 billion dollars to the money supply.  As most of you know, commercial banks are obligated by law to maintain about 10% of that on deposit (required reserves).
  1. This leaves 9 billion in excessive reserves. Thus, 9 billion is created out thin air, if there are demands for loans. And, here is thought that only God can create something  of value out of nothing. This same process can be repeated 9 times, resulting in 90 billion created from the original 10 billion dollars. The process is known as fractional reserve banking.
The fractional reserve banking system gives value to the new money and steals value from the old. I use the word steal because the money supply is increased regardless of the demand for goods and services. Because of the supply/demand equilibrium, prices tend to raise causing INFLATION, thus debasing the value of money, resulting in a hidden tax on the American public. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, the American dollar has lost 94% of its value.
So, this process of money creation assures perpetual debt for Americans.
For that reason, money is debt and debt is money. So, if the U.S. government paid off all of its debts, it would lose the power to create money out of thin air.  And, while, the principle amount may be paid off in time, the interest accrued cannot be repaid unless more bonds are sold and more debt acquired.
Thus, debt is built into the system; resulting in the American working class getting the short end of the stick. Wealth is the transfer of debt on to the backs on those already overburdened with debt.
Those who cry foul and point out that the game is rigged are accused of failing to read the fine print.  Those foreclosure victims who take legal action (contesting the legality of the contract agreement) quickly find themselves bogged down and mired in legation that may last for decades.
Most Americans are laborers and capital controls labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling money (supply). So, in reality, the present monetary system is a modern form of slavery. Because money can only be created by government liability and (low interest) commercial loans, the American working man/woman must remain on the hamster wheel of indebtedness to assure the survival of the system. 
Take the average homeowner for instance. The bank made the loan with money that never existed in the first place. The homeowner then works for 20 or 30 years to pay the loan off. With no more that a wisp of numbers on an electronic ledger, the banker was able to milk a life time of toil and sweat from the so-called borrower.  Who said that you can’t get something for nothing?
The money only came into existence the second the bank issued the loan and not a fraction of a second before. The banks mathematically predict- well in advance of the loans- that a certain percentage of the loans will fall into default, leading to bankrupt and foreclosure. Because of the way that the loans are structured to the free floating financial markets, continued defaults are a certainty.
The dysfunctional and fraudulent nature of the system becomes increasing clear as one reads the fine print. Like always, the devil is in the details. And, the devil is not without his charms (deception).
The American people have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amuck. We are tethered to a system that views us a mere chattel property to be used as they see fit. And, while, we are assured the system is fair and balanced by our leaders in Washington, the entire system edges closer and closer to the edge of the abyss. 
- See more at: http://northstarpub3.com/blog/monetary_modern_slavery/#sthash.gl6qgwdW.dpuf

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